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今天为您带来第十七集:智能垃圾驿站 环保低碳过程也美好 Smart Garbage Sorting Low Carbon Lifestyle


《智能垃圾驿站 环保低碳过程也美好》

Smart Garbage Sorting Low Carbon Lifestyle

In December 2020, the Ximeng Residential Community in Majiapu sub-district of Fengtai District was included in the first batch of "Beijing Garbage Sorting Demonstration Communities and Villages". After the implementation of garbage sorting, many changes have taken place in the community. Hortense is going to check it out today.


The smart garbage sorting station is in the northeast corner of Xiemeng Residential community. It is equipped with automatic sensor and hooks, as long as a person is the range of within one meter to the trash bin, the lid of the trash bin will open automatically and shut down automatically 15 seconds later.


When the smart garbage sorting facilities was put into use in the community, a small house painted in green was also installed. Residents can put the recyclable items here and collect reward points to exchange for daily necessities.


Now residents are very actively involved in garbage sorting. The majority of them can do the garbage sorting properly. The community has achieved garbage reduction and the environment has been greatly improved.


