机械臂的介绍 mycobot280-JetsonNano
操作使用的机械臂是myCobot280-Jetson Nano
这是一款大象机器人公司生产的小六轴机械臂,以JetsonNano为微处理器,ESP32为辅助控制,UR协作形结构。myCobot280 JetsonNano,本体重量1030g, 负载250g,工作半径280mm,设计紧凑便携,小巧但功能强大,操作简单,能与人协同、安全工作。
Jetson Nano
Jetson Nano是英伟达推出的一款嵌入式人工智能计算机,它采用了NVIDIA Maxwell GPU和四核ARMCortex-A57处理器,性能强大。Jetson Nano支持多种人工智能框架和工具,如TensorFlow、PyTorch、Caffe和MXNet等。此外,Jetson Nano还具有多种输入输出接口,如HDMI、USB、GPIO等,方便开发人员进行硬件连接和控制。
由于Jetson Nano具有强大的计算性能和专门为人工智能开发设计的特点,支持多种深度学习框架,如TensorFlow、PyTorch和Caffe等,可以更方便地进行人工智能应用开发,它成为了开发人员进行人工智能应用开发的理想平台之一。
def show_video_v2(self): # self.robot.init_robot() xyz = np.array([0,0,0]) LIST = [] num_count = 0 list_len = 5 # cmax = [180, 80, 240] # cmin = [130, -80, 200] cmax = [150, -150, 300] cmin = [-150, -250, 200] while cv2.waitKey(1) < 0: success, img = self.cap.read() if not success: print("It seems that the image cannot be acquired correctly.") break # transfrom the img to model of gray gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Detect ArUco marker. corners, ids, rejectImaPoint = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers( gray, self.aruco_dict, parameters=self.aruco_params ) if len(corners) > 0: if ids is not None: # get informations of aruco ret = cv2.aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers( # """https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53303730/what-is-the-value-for-markerlength-in-aruco-estimateposesinglemarkers""" corners, 0.025, self.camera_matrix, self.dist_coeffs ) # rvec:rotation offset,tvec:translation deviator (rvec, tvec) = (ret[0], ret[1]) (rvec - tvec).any() xyz = tvec[0, 0, :] * 1000 rpy = rvec[0,0,:] camera = np.array([xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]]) if num_count > list_len: target = model_track(camera) print("target", target) for i in range(3): if target[i] > cmax[i]: target[i] = cmax[i] if target[i] < cmin[i]: target[i] = cmin[i] pose = np.array([-103, 8.9, -164]) coord = np.concatenate((target.copy(), pose), axis=0) # q1 = math.atan(xyz[0] / xyz[2])*180/np.pimc.send_coords(coord,50,0) # print("target", coord) num_count = 1 else: num_count = num_count + 1 for i in range(rvec.shape[0]): # draw the aruco on img cv2.aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(img, corners) cv2.imshow("show_video", img)
#函数用于计算相机间的相似性def calculate_similarity(camera): n = camera.shape[0] total_similarity = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n): vector_a = camera[i] vector_b = camera[j] dot_product = np.dot(vector_a, vector_b) norm_a = np.linalg.norm(vector_a) norm_b = np.linalg.norm(vector_b) similarity = dot_product / (norm_a * norm_b) total_similarity += similarity return total_similarity/n#函数用于计算相似性的变化率def similarity_change_rate(new_similarity): global prev_similarity if prev_similarity is None: prev_similarity = new_similarity return 0 else: change_rate = (new_similarity - prev_similarity) / prev_similarity prev_similarity = new_similarity return change_rate#函数用于将旋转矩阵转换为欧拉角def CvtRotationMatrixToEulerAngle(pdtRotationMatrix): pdtEulerAngle = np.zeros(3) pdtEulerAngle[2] = np.arctan2(pdtRotationMatrix[1, 0], pdtRotationMatrix[0, 0]) fCosRoll = np.cos(pdtEulerAngle[2]) fSinRoll = np.sin(pdtEulerAngle[2]) pdtEulerAngle[1] = np.arctan2(-pdtRotationMatrix[2, 0], (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 0]) + (fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 0])) pdtEulerAngle[0] = np.arctan2((fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 2]) - (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 2]), (-fSinRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[0, 1]) + (fCosRoll * pdtRotationMatrix[1, 1])) return pdtEulerAngle#函数用于将欧拉角转换为旋转矩阵def CvtEulerAngleToRotationMatrix(ptrEulerAngle): ptrSinAngle = np.sin(ptrEulerAngle) ptrCosAngle = np.cos(ptrEulerAngle) ptrRotationMatrix = np.zeros((3, 3)) ptrRotationMatrix[0, 0] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[1] ptrRotationMatrix[0, 1] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0] - ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[0] ptrRotationMatrix[0, 2] = ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0] + ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[0] ptrRotationMatrix[1, 0] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[1] ptrRotationMatrix[1, 1] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0] + ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrCosAngle[0] ptrRotationMatrix[1, 2] = ptrSinAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0] - ptrCosAngle[2] * ptrSinAngle[0] ptrRotationMatrix[2, 0] = -ptrSinAngle[1] ptrRotationMatrix[2, 1] = ptrCosAngle[1] * ptrSinAngle[0] ptrRotationMatrix[2, 2] = ptrCosAngle[1] * ptrCosAngle[0] return ptrRotationMatrix
#用于进行视觉追踪并计算目标位置def Visual_tracking280(coord, camera): pose_camera = camera[:3] angle_camear = camera[3:] r = CvtEulerAngleToRotationMatrix(angle_camear) # r = np.array([[1, 0, 0], # [0, 1, 0], # [0, 0, 1]]) euler = np.radians(coord[3:]) R = CvtEulerAngleToRotationMatrix(euler) offset = np.array([0, 0, -250]) Roff = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) # Roff = np.array([[1, 0, 0], # [0, 1, 0], # [0, 0, 1]]) vector = pose_camera + offset # print("R", R) # print("r", r) move_pos = np.dot(np.dot(R, r), Roff).dot(vector) pos = coord[:3] + move_pos # angle = np.array(CvtRotationMatrixToEulerAngle(np.dot(np.dot(R, r), Roff))) * 180/np.pi angle = coord[3:] target = np.concatenate((pos, angle)) return target#根据相机坐标计算目标位置 def model_track(camera): model_pos = np.array([-camera[0], -camera[2], -camera[1]]) camera_pos = np.array([-37.5, 416.6, 322.9]) target_pos = model_pos + camera_pos # print("model_pos", model_pos) # print("target_pos", target_pos) return target_pos
审核编辑 黄宇