
1、Every year, when winter descends on the country, one of English literature’s great works always finds itself pulled down from my bookshelf: namely, William Thackeray’s immortal Vanity Fair. The reason is simple: no degree of chilliness in the air can extinguish the book’s incredible warmth and humour. It is a tonic. 每年,随着冬季的降临,总有一部英国文学的伟大作品从我的书架上取下——威廉·萨克雷不朽的《名利场》。




4、 Being an accepted classic, Vanity Fair is no doubt familiar to many readers. But its indelible characters and set-pieces still deserve mention. From the sly anti-heroine Becky Sharp to the gentle-mannered Dobbin — and from the mistreatment of a dictionary to the battlefield death of one character (I won’t reveal whom!) — there is not one component of the story which detracts from the whole. 作为一部公认的经典,《名利场》无疑广为读者所熟知。



7、 The plot and characterisation are underpinned by Thackeray’s acute eye for social detail. He is cutting, of course, but never slips into crude caricature. The result is a portrait of 19th-century society which feels authentic and unpompous. If Vanity Fair succeeds, it is because it is — like much of Dickens’s output — a great work of journalism. 情节和人物塑造都要归功于萨克雷对社会细节敏锐的捕捉。


9、而其结果就是一幅描 绘十九世纪的肖像画,感觉如此真实,不虚夸。


11、 To paraphrase The Spectator’s own motto, Vanity Fair is champagne for the soul. For that, I give it my highest recommendation, and raise a glass to Mr William Makepeace Thackeray. 套用一下《旁观者》杂志自己的座右铭——《名利场》是给灵魂享用的香槟。


